作者: sketchy picturesplanet小小大星球for this tutorial you’ll need to start out with a panoramic image. they’re not hard to create, you can get professional lenses and tripods to make some killer panoramics. i created this image using a digital camera on a tripod, taking a picture each time i rotate the camera a few degrees. i then used photoshop’s photomerge feature to create the image below out of 25 individual pictures. i’ve included the image above in the “tutorial assets” section so that you can follow along from here.
在本教程中,首先需要一個全景圖。全景圖并不難制作,你只需要找個專業(yè)的鏡頭再配上個三腳架,就能得到一張相當相當棒的全景圖。我使用數(shù)碼相機配合三腳架,每照一張圖片旋轉(zhuǎn)一些角度的拍攝方式來得到一圈各個角度的照片,然后把這些圖片放到ps中合出如下一張全景圖。 step 1: rotate the image 180 degrees, then go to filters -> distort -> polar coordinates and choose rectangular to polar. this will take the panoramic image and turn it into a ball. 將圖像旋轉(zhuǎn)180度,然后使用filters>distort>polar coordinates工具將圖像轉(zhuǎn)變成一個球型 step 2: ok now we need to correct the distortion caused by the polar coordinate filter. so go ahead and select edit -> free transform (or command + t) and drag the image to the right till the globe looks like the correct shape. 使用edit>free transform命令將圖像拉伸成正常比例的球體。 step 3: now use the clone tool to fix the “pinching” in the center of the globe. also feel free to adjust some of the colors in the image to make it stand out more. i created a levels and vibrant adjustment layer to increase the contrast and saturation of the image 現(xiàn)在使用克隆工具修補球形中心點附近的圖像拉伸。與此同時,使用調(diào)節(jié)層增加圖像的對比度和飽和度。 ok now on to the second part of this tutorial, creating the 3d text. 下面我們開始制作三維字體。 ok so here’s part 2 of the planet tutorial, we’re going to use cinema 4d to create the 3d text like in the image above. feel free to use the software of your choice, this is a technique that can be easily duplicated in other 3d apps. 好了~在這第二部分當中我們來用c4d制作球體上的三維文字。 step 1: create a new background by going to objects –> scene –> background. 創(chuàng)建一個新的背景。 step 2: then create a new material and import the image you create in the first part of the tutorial into the color. now drag and drop this material on the background object your created. you’ll notice that the picture is a little stretched. no problem, just go to the render settings and change the width and height to fit the actual image size of the image. 將第一部分做好的圖片導入到新材質(zhì)球的顏色中。并添加新材質(zhì)到背景。你會發(fā)覺圖片有些拉伸,去渲染設置中將寬高比設置成圖片的數(shù)值就可以解決這個問題。 step 3: now select the text tool and create the words to go across the globe. when you’re done create an “extrude nurbs” object and drag the text into the extrude nurbs to create the 3d text. adjust the extrude distance to 100m or more. also make sure to position your camera directly in front of you object. you can see in the image below that plane is lined up with the center of the globe. 現(xiàn)在創(chuàng)建一個字體。 新建一個”extrude nurbs”并將你創(chuàng)建好的物體添加進去,從而得到一個三維文字。將擠壓距離設定成100m或者更大的數(shù)值。 同時要確定的是,將你的攝像機擺到物體的正前方去。擺出如下圖的效果。 step 4: this is an optional step, it depends on how you want your text to look. for this step we want a two color font on the globe. so duplicate the extrude nurbs object, name one “text caps” and the other “text fillet.” 這步可做可不做,做不做取決于你想讓你的字體看上去是什么樣子的。在這步中我們把extrude nurbs物體復制一次,一個用來顯示邊緣顏色一個用來顯示正面顏色。 step 5: so now in the “text caps” object make sure under the caps tab that it’s set to only caps. for the “text fillet” object make sure it’s set to “fillet” and use the settings to the right to create an interesting look to your font. 現(xiàn)在將上一步復制出來的其中一個extrude nurbs物體改成只顯示”caps”,將另一個extrude nurbs物體改成只顯示”fillet”,如圖所示。 now create two different colored materials and apply one to the “text caps” object and the other to the “text fillet” object. you should get an image like one below. 現(xiàn)在為兩部分物體分別指定不同顏色的材質(zhì),結(jié)果如圖。 step 6: group the two text objects together in a group and call the group “text group.” now create a “wrap” effector and drag it into the text group. you’ll see it will start to warp the text into a sphere shape. 將兩部分物體打組,并將組改名叫作“text group”。 為text group組添加”wrap”效果器。你將會看到你的文字變成如圖所示的球面效果。 step 7: now adjust the settings of the wrap to fit the globe, you can use the settings i used to help you out. 現(xiàn)在調(diào)節(jié)一下wrap的參數(shù),以達到理想效果。 step 8: now create a sphere object and move it behind the text. scale it up to fit perfectly with the planet in the background. we’re going to use this to capture the shadows from the text, making it look like the text is actually part of the planet and not just floating in the air. 創(chuàng)建一個球體,并將球體移動到文字的后面去,縮放大小使它正好和背景中的球體一致。 我們將利用這個球體模擬出文字在星球上的影子。 step 9: now drag and drop the same texture you created for the background onto the sphere object. now click on the texture icon to load the texture settings and change the projection to frontal. now are texture is perfectly projected on the sphere, when you render this there shouldn’t be a noticeable difference in the image. 將背景的材質(zhì)球拖拽給球體。然后到材質(zhì)標簽中將映射方式改為”frontal”。 現(xiàn)在球體的紋理和背景一致了。 step 10: create a light and change the type to area and turn on soft shadow maps. position it off to the upper left side of the globe. create a second light and position it to the lower right of the globe, this will be our fill light. turn the intensity down to 90% and change the color to a light blue. also turn off the shadows.
創(chuàng)建一個area light,并打開soft shadow maps。將燈放到場景的左上方去。 創(chuàng)建另一個燈光,并放到右下,這盞燈是我們的輔助光,將它的強度調(diào)整到百分之九十,并改為亮藍色。關閉它的陰影。 step 11: ok now to add a little more realism to the scene… go to objects -> scene -> and add a sky object. drag the same globe texture for the background and sphere onto the sky object. now turn on the ambient occlusion and global illumination options in your render settings. hit render and you’ll see a noticeable difference with these two features turned on. 最后我們要為圖象增加一點點的真實感。在場景中添加一個天空物體,將背景材質(zhì)拖拽給天空物體。 并打開ambient occlusion 與 global illumination的渲染方式。下面兩張圖中,左邊是上一步的渲染結(jié)果,右邊是明顯感覺不同的修改后的渲染結(jié)果。 贊0 踩0 |
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